Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Battle Zone

I'm so excited to report that…
My accounting average is an 80%! Whoot, whoot! Holla!

And just think, I was failing the course and I was going to give up on it. I owe all my thanks and praise to the Lord God Almighty because this progress is not being made by me alone. I have two more weeks left until the session is complete, and then it's good bye accounting {for now at least}.

I also have another progress report. I began my 30 minutes of walking today. Mom and I took advantage of the lovely weather and headed outdoors. We were on our way and making great strides when my body began throwing a freakin' fit.

Now let me explain something. Living with Fibromyalgia is like living with two of me.
The healthy me says, "Let's go walk and run and become fit. We can do this!"
The Fibro me says, "Oh no, we CANNOT handle this."
"This walking is going to make us ache, and running will ruin our knees {not true, my doc wants me to run}. We are going to become tired and then we'll have a flare up."
 "Stop it this instant!"

I could literally feel the healthy me struggling with the Fibro part of me. My bad leg became heavy and stiff, and then I became exhausted. But I kept going, and mom and I finished our 30 minutes! I had to make the Fibro me take a backseat to the healthy me.

The point at which the healthy me struggles with the Fibro me is what I call the battle zone. It's an all out continual fight to see who is going to take the lead. I pray the healthy me continues to triumph. Even though I did finish the 30 minutes, I am very tired. But I'd rather be tired from exercising than to be tired from doing nothing!

It's going to take some getting used to, but I'm determined to walk my 30 minutes each day. Then hopefully I'll be able to turn that walk into a light run. Either way it goes, I'm being active and that's all that counts!

I want to remind everyone that the A-Z Blogging Challenge starts on Friday, so get ready to check out some awesome posts from everyone who's participating {I sure do hope you find my posts awesome!}.

Stay Sweet My Lovelies!

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