Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dear Nehemiah

Dear Nehemiah,

Lately we have been faced with so many new things. We moved into our new house, and you've been sleeping in your own room. We have also been faced with the results of the speech/behavior evaluation you had last week. Let me start by telling you that I love you so much; to the moon and back! You are such a special little guy, who has brought such joy and purpose into my life. I treasure our special moments like last night when we ate "nem-em-nims" aka M&M's and pretended that I had to go to the doctor to get shots. We had so much fun! No matter what happens from here on out, please remember these promises to you. I love you my son.
1.) I will do whatever it takes to help you grow and progress
2.) I will NOT allow anyone to label you; your results only mean we have some things to work on, this does not determine who you are!
3.) No matter how rough your behavior may get, I will NOT spank you or allow anyone else to!
4.) I will advocate for you to make sure you continually get nothing but the best
5.) I will endure and suffer through your frustrations with you; you are never alone!
6.) I will ALWAYS welcome you into my arms without conditions
7.) I will ALWAYS wipe your tears first, and then mine
8.) Your needs will ALWAYS continue to come first
9.) I will continue to allow you to have and make choices independently, no matter what other people may think
10.) I will continue to respect decisions you make and compromise when necessary
Never be afraid to show people who you are, what you believe in and what you stand for!

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