So many changes have taken place that I had to start writing again before I forgot all the details.
Seeing that Nehemiah and I are on a new journey, I figured what better way to introduce our changes than by a blog makeover {think it looks good if I may say so myself}. Onto the changes.
1.) I finally got water baptized on July 11th. This was an amazing moment that has since deepened my relationship with Christ. I have been making time each day, usually in the morning, to just be still and know that He is God. My days are so much better when I keep Christ first.
2.) I was blessed with the opportunity to become self-employed {this is the most detail I'll give seeing that after all, this is the Internet}, which means that I'm officially a stay at home mom! Prior to leaving the office, Nehemiah informed me that I was always cranky when I came home. My plate was too full and I didn't know how to down size, so when the opportunity presented itself I decided that leaving the office was the best choice for Nehemiah and myself. In making my decision I made up my mind that money would not stop me from doing what was best for us, so we're learning how to cut back on things that are really not necessary.
3.) I've been pain free for...are you ready? 3 days! I started receiving Craniosacrial Therapy last week for the Fibromyalgia and so far it has been a huge success. The occupational therapist caught on quickly that I don't relax {i'm learning}, and so she has demanded that I take some time out of my day each day for me {I can get used to that}. The bad news is I have some other health issues going on, but my doctor isn't too worried at this point. I have to have a procedure done soon, so your prayers are appreciated.
4.) You all know that sleeping is a very difficult activity for me and anyone else with Fibro. Well, I've only had to take 1/2 of the pill that I take at bedtime {it's not a sleeping pill so no worries}for a restful night's sleep. I can take up to 3 pills, which I've had to do in the past, but for the last month or so I've been able to decrease the dose. I've been staying up later than 9:30pm, and I wake up each morning refreshed.
5.) Nehemiah is growing and thriving and has turned into a preschooler {gulp}. I love being home with him everyday because I get to watch him as he makes discoveries. I know all parents think their children are the best, and of course I'm no exception because I have the best kid in the world. We're still battling the sleeping-in-his-bed issue, but he's beginning to stay in his room for majority of the night.